This section will give you the opportunity to take multiple practice exams/tests of conditions that have appeared and are likely to appear again on the actual NBCE Examination. Please note that this review does NOT guarantee that the same/identical types of radiographic images or identical types of questions will appear on the Part 3 or Part 4 Examination(s). It is important to understand that NBCE can generate so many different cases/scenarios/questions for a given condition or pathology and thus make it challenging for the student. Therefore, we highly advise that you do NOT memorize the cases presented in this review but rather take the time to study each of the conditions and their clinical presentations in detail.
To read more about the Practice Cases section and
to see more examples

The Diagnostic Imaging review contains general review notes on the most common conditions presented during the NBCE part 3 and/or Part 4 Examination(s) as well as multiple practice tests/examinations for you to test your knowledge. This section allows you take multiple practice exams/tests with digital x-rays to help you prepare for the actual examination. The style of the questions and the types of cases presented are highly similar to the NBCE Part 3 and Part Examinations, and we are certain that these practice tests will give you the knowledge and the confidence you need to do well on the main examination.
To read more about the Diagnostic Imaging section
and to see more examples

The technique section consists of 5 stations, which include 2 adjustments or better described as "set-ups" in each station for a total of 10 set-ups. You will have 5 minutes to complete the two set-ups in each station. Detailed explanations are provided on how the set-ups should be performed for this section. Images and Videos of each set-up are also provided.
To read more about the Technique section and to see
more examples

The Physical Examination section of the CNBA review covers the most important and necessary examinations/tests that are commonly addressed during the Part IV examination. It covers specific areas that are important and also discusses certain areas or examinations that are less important and less likely to be asked (this process is fully explained in the review). Images as well as detailed notes are also included for this section. Strategic concepts and sample cases are included so that you may develop a better understanding of how the Physical Examination section is presented and how you should approach the patient in this particular station.
To read more about the Physical Examination section
and to see more examples

The Orthopedic review section contains detailed notes, and rollover images that show how each examination should be performed. It also discusses the positive signs and clinical findings for each orthopedic examination. The Orthopedic section of the CNBA review contains more than 120 Orthopedic examinations. It also contains notes, which cover important strategic conecpts that should be considered during the orthopedic examination portion of the part IV examination.
To read more about the Orthopedic section and to
see more examples

The CNBA Case History section contains detailed notes and
important information regarding the history taking portion of
the examination. It includes a series of important questions
that should be addressed during the history taking section. It
is very important that you are familiar with these questions
during the examination. Remember, you must ask the right kinds
of questions to obtain the right kind of information and
response from the simulated patients. These questions are
included in the CNBA review along with detailed notes, charts
and strategic concepts required to do well in the History taking
portion of the examination.
To read more about the Case History
section and to see more examples

The CNBA Neurology section is very detailed and thorough. This section is full of charts and important information needed for the Part IV examination.
To read more about the Neurology section and to see
more examples

The Clinical Laboratory section is part of the Part IV examination and will be included with all of the case management post-stations as part of the patient's aditional history. The CNBA review covers this section in detail and explains how it will be presented during the examination. This review covers majority of the important blood chemistries that are commonly seen on the Part IV examination.
To read more about the Clinical Laboratory section
and to see more examples

The Introduction section of the CNBA review describes the Part IV examination in detail and explains how the examination is administered. It takes you through the examination step by step and explains the process and the format of the examination. It also contains notes, samples of how the questions will be addressed, what is expected of you during the examination, and likely scenarios that may be presented. The Introduction section is very helpful and will allow you to understand exactly what is expected of you during the Part IV examination.
To read more about the Introduction section and to
see more examples